The Writings
(and other misadventures)
of Shane Tourtellotte



 Other Writings


 Links of Interest



Welcome to my Work In Progress


You probably know me from my science fiction writing, mostly in Analog magazine. (Been there since 1998. It's almost like home now.) Some of you might know me from humorous projects I've done on the side. And a few of you may just be family members peeking in. (Hi, Mom.)

I hope to have something for all of you here. I'll be listing the stories I've published over the years, along with insights into selected ones. I'll be showing off some of the other writing I've done, with greater or lesser connections to science fiction. And there will be random stuff I'll throw in from time to time, to keep things fresh.

This website remains a work in progress. Keep peeking in for updates on what I've added.

So take a look around, please. Navigating buttons are on your left: they'll get you where you need to go, and with no dead ends. And if you run out of interesting stuff, don't worry, there will be more soon.

If you want to drop me a note -- even, or especially, to point out glitches here at the website -- my mailbox is always open. Not to spam, though, so I'll have to be careful spelling it out:

shane at (the URL, minus www period)

And if that doesn't stymie the spambots, nothing will.


Current Story

"The Kuiper Gemara" -- appearing in Jewish Futures, published August 2023

Upcoming Stories

"The Outsiders" (conclusion of the "Malady" series) -- appearing in Analog, November/December 2024
"Groundling" -- appearing in Analog, 2025



July 7, 2024 -- "The Outsiders" is now scheduled at Analog, in the November/December issue.

May 11, 2024 -- Adding my latest short-story sale to the list of Upcoming Stories.

March 7, 2024 -- Some changes here, after a long fallow period. I attended a small SF convention, ConFinement V, over the previous weekend. I should have listed it, but it was so, well, cozy that I cannot imagine anyone would have attended it just because I was there. On the basis of a professional conversation I had there, I have bitten the bullet and removed the links to many of my SF-related works that I used to have. I am, perhaps and hopefully, moving toward a big change in the status of my writing career. Much as I liked having my works freely availabe to my readers, it may soon make a lot more sense for me to make them a paying concern, in support of other works not yet published.

Does that mean there's big news coming? Does that mean there is a novel in the offing -- or at least a handbook? It perhaps gives away a little something to say that time will tell ...

October 18, 2023 -- An editorial comment, of the type I don't usually make.

When I was writing "The Kuiper Gemara" for Jewish Futures, I had characters speaking about the unique sufferings of the Jewish people. While the characters, the viewpoint protagonist especially, would have thought this way, it rang a trifle off-key to me. History is big, broad, and long. There has been room in it for almost unimaginable amounts of suffering, much of it by peoples we've never heard of because they ceased to exist. It felt a bit like special pleading to place the Jewish people atop this doleful hierarchy, especially because I perceived that over the last couple generations they had become not merely tolerated but respected and welcomed in a wide expanse of the civilized world.

I've recently concluded I was mistaken. Doubtless you can figure out why. All I will add about my change of mind is that some people can learn ... and some people cannot. Or will not.

Two final observations: Hamas delenda est, and Am Yisrael chai.


Me.  Finally, a more recent photo.










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left blank.



Last Updated: July 7, 2024
Website Created: January 21, 2010
Original Website Created: November 20, 1999


Please respect creative rights. Reproduction of materials on this website without express consent of Shane Tourtellotte, or those from whom I acquired permission for reproduction of their materials, is prohibited. If I decide to get free-wheeling with some Creative Commons stuff, I promise I'll let you know. Thank you.